Sunday, February 1, 2009

32/365 Sitting on a Wall

32/365 Sitting on a Wall, originally uploaded by agearrings.

I was supposed to be working on progress reports but I heard about this neat little photo app so I have to try it out. Can you guess what we'll be doing in kindergarten this week? The kids will love this! To try it yourself, go to Have fun!

31/365 Winter Bloom

31/365 Winter Bloom, originally uploaded by agearrings.

This Christmas cactus blossom was a welcome sight after all the wintry weather we've been having.

30/365 Griffin

30/365 Griffin, originally uploaded by agearrings.

This is my sister's Corgy. He is hoping that I'll give him a treat once the photo is taken. This was the best of all the photos I shot. I think I threw away about 30. Don't think I want to be a pet photographer!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

29/365 My New iPhone

My New iPhone, originally uploaded by agearrings.

What can I say? I love it!

28/365 Remembering Christa

28/365 Remembering Christa, originally uploaded by agearrings.

I remember exactly what I was doing when the Challenger exploded. While watching the lift off with the young students in my class I stared at disbelief as I watched the vapor trails stream away from the spacecraft. I remember asking the other adults in the room if they had ever seen that before and simultaneously realizing that something was terribly wrong. What was supposed to be a celebration for NH educators and NH students became a tragedy that we processed together over time. At the time, my two young children and I struggled to understand what and why this happened. Even now, my eyes fill with tears, recalling vividly those days and weeks after the accident.

In the photo is the newspaper insert that the Concord Monitor printed to prepare NH students for Christa's trip. The book, written in 1993 by Christa's mother, Grace Corrigan, begins with the Challenger disaster, then looks back at her life and achievements leading up to her selection as First Teacher in Space.

27/365 It's All Downhill Now!

27/365 It's All Downhill Now!, originally uploaded by agearrings.

We have reached the halfway mark to our school year - 90 days. A second grade class at the school celebrated Half Way Day by making tags for the folks at school. It is hard to believe that we are on the down hill side of the year, while our friends in Australia are just beginning their new school year.

26/365 All My Life's a Circle

26/365 All My Life's a Circle, originally uploaded by agearrings.

The word's of Harry Chapin ring so true for me. I like thinking of life as a circle.

"It seems like I've been here before;
I can't remember when;
But I have this funny feeling;
That we'll all be together again.
No straight lines make up my life;
And all my roads have bends;
There's no clear-cut beginnings;
And so far no dead-ends."
While playing with the macro setting on my camera, I took a closer look at the fabric of one of my couch pillows. Look in my photostream for a picture of the pillow.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25/365 Gary at EduCon

25/365 Gary at EduCon, originally uploaded by agearrings.

This is my friend Gary Stager. I was introduced to Gary at NECC 08 by Dr. G. Bitter after I received the award that Dr. Bitter began in his wife's honor. I reconnected with Gary Stager at his week long Constructing Modern Knowledge Conference last summer in Manchester NH.

At CMK, Gary created an environment that allowed us to explore, create, collaborate and learn. We experienced the environment for learning that Gary believes should happen for all learners. I enjoyed participating in this week long event, filled with engaging guest speakers, social events and personal project building. But the best part was Gary's enthusiasm for creating this environment. I love his smile and tried to capture it in this photo at EduCon.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

24/365 Lisa at EduCon

24/365 Lisa at EduCon, originally uploaded by agearrings.

This is Lisa Durff, one of my webcasting co-hosts on It's Elementary. We met face to face last year at Educon and reconnected again this year. So glad to have her as a friend.

Friday, January 23, 2009

23/365 Dr.Stephen Squyres Signature

This is for Sheila. I received this direct message in twitter from Sheila just before I left for Educon2.1 -"Stephen Squyres is going to be there! Autograph maybe?" Sheila, by her own admission, is a space nut. And who is Dr. Stephen Squyres? He is principal investigator of the Mars Exploration Rover Mission (MER). He is also a former student of the late Carl Sagan. Sheila, when I return to NH after EduCon, I'll give you the actual paper with the signature. But for now, this will have to do.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

22/365 Sunrise and Ice

22/365 Sunrise and Ice, originally uploaded by agearrings.

As I walked out my door to go to work, this is what I saw.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

21/365 What a Day!

21/365 What a Day!, originally uploaded by agearrings.

We enjoyed the fluffy snow today at recess. The sky was so blue and was reflected in the snow. We have a wonderful site for playing at school, surrounded by woods. Soon, we hope to snow shoe in the woods. Enjoying the outdoors is a part of what we do at school.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

20/365 A Flag For Obama

A Flag For Obama, originally uploaded by agearrings.

We watched the Inauguration of the 44th president of the United States today in kindergarten. Some of my students were drawing while waiting to watch President Obama take the oath of office. One student drew this picture in honor of this historic day. He was impressed by all the people who were waving flags. Why didn't I think of getting small flags for each of my students to wave today?

Monday, January 19, 2009

19/365 Wait a Minute, Mr. Postman

Today was a perfect day to be on the lookout for a photo opportunity.Fresh snow fell yesterday and through the night. I was driving into Deerfield when I caught sight of these mailboxes. I turned around and pulled off on the side of the road to take a few pictures. I love how the little bit of red stands out from the black and white. I also like the wavy lines of snow as it piled up on each box and underneath from the snow plow. It's interesting that the simplest things can look so different after a snowfall.

When thinking of a title for this photo, I remembered the Beatles song that begins, "Wait a minute Mr. Postman..." Now I can't get the song out of my head.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

18/365 A Garden Troll

18/365 A Garden Troll, originally uploaded by agearrings.

Today we received another 10 inches of fluffy snow. While walking in the backyard, I spotted the seed heads of last summer's bee balm flowers. They were capped with snow and reminded me of the trolls in Jan Brett's story, The Trouble with Trolls.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

17/365 Just Love This

17/365 Just Love This, originally uploaded by agearrings.

One of my students made this picture during our work time. The picture makes me smile and reaffirms for me the reason I love teaching kindergarten. Look at the drawing and notice the boundless energy in it. Yes - that's kindergarten and that's why I love it!

Friday, January 16, 2009

16/365 How Cold?

16/365 How Cold?, originally uploaded by agearrings.

I pass this sign everyday on my way to school. This morning, I stopped just to record the temperature for today.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

15/365 View from my classroom

15/365 View from my classroom, originally uploaded by agearrings.

Ten years ago,when the addition for the school was built to make room for kindergarten, the principal gave me a choice of rooms. I have never regretted choosing the room I have. It has 3 large windows and each one provides a great view. This the view I see first as I enter the room. Every day, the view offers something to lift me up. Sometimes, after school, I just sit by this window and gaze out for inspiration, reflection and peace.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

14/365 Something to Chew On

Something to Chew On, originally uploaded by agearrings.

When thinking about today's photo, I knew that I wanted to have something with lots of color. The last 2 pics were rather white. I had lots of leftover candy from making gingerbread houses with my class and when I spied the Double Bubble gumballs, I knew just what to do.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

13/365 No One Home

No One Home, originally uploaded by agearrings.

It will be a while before this nest can shelter eggs for a mother bird. I spotted this nest as I was leaving the building today and walking to my car. To my surprise, I noticed 2 other nests in nearby trees. I like how this photo project is opening my eyes to things around me.

Monday, January 12, 2009

12/365 Webcaster

12/365 Webcaster, originally uploaded by agearrings.

I webcast on and co host two different shows. Tonight's show was It's Elementary. This is my set up - snowflake mic, earbuds, edtechtalk live page with ustream, skype and chat windows. I'm not recording tonight otherwise I would have nicecast open as well.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

11/365 Just Before Sunset

11/365 Just Before Sunset, originally uploaded by agearrings.

I had just finished shoveling off the deck when i sensed a change in light. I looked up to see the clouds tinged with pink as the sun rested low on the horizon. The black silhouette of the trees provides a great contrast to the pastel sky.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

10/365 - Peace

10/365 - Peace, originally uploaded by agearrings.

This was a present from a good friend. It is one of my favorite holiday decorations. Made of handmade paper, the message is simple and perfect. When will be have peace?

Friday, January 9, 2009

9/365 TGIF

9/365 TGIF, originally uploaded by agearrings.

It's Friday. We've been back to school for one week. I'm exhausted and glad the weekend is here.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

8/365 Picnic Anyone?

8/365 Picnic Anyone?, originally uploaded by agearrings.

I think it will be a while before we can sit outside at this table. Winter hasn't been here long but I'm already thinking of spring.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

7/365 Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Just checking to see it the snow has started. This view from the family room door looks out onto our porch. It's the spot i use to check the weather before going to bed and early in the morning. I liked all the vertical lines in this scene.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

6/365 Waiting for Snow

6/365 Waiting for Snow, originally uploaded by agearrings.

These shovels have served us well already this winter and more snow is predicted for tonight. I liked the way the shadows fell on the clapboards.

Monday, January 5, 2009

5/365 Eat Healthy!

5/365 Eat Healthy!, originally uploaded by agearrings.

Just a reminder to myself to eat healthy for 2009.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

4/365 Work!

4/365 Work!, originally uploaded by agearrings.

Here is all the work i didn't do over vacation. Guess I can't get in done in one night. Tomorrow is our first day back. Yikes!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

3/365 Candy Canes

3/365 Candy Canes, originally uploaded by agearrings.

This pile of candy canes was sitting on the table after we took down the Christmas tree. I like the way the lines intersect.

Friday, January 2, 2009

2/365 Sugaring Off

2/365 Sugaring Off, originally uploaded by agearrings.

This ornament has a special significance to us. We make maple syrup and the hand painted scene looks similar to our backyard during sugaring season.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

1/365 Daggers

1/365 Daggers, originally uploaded by agearrings.

The snow on the roof, from a recent snowfall had been melting all day. Since the temps were still cold enough, the melt grew into these ice daggers. Taken at night, from underneath, gave an interesting perspective.